Maggie’s trip to the Vet

Well, Maggie went to her 1 week visit to the vet’s office yeaterday.  All I did was to get her leash and say, ‘let’s go’ and she hopped to the door.  Then she got into the back of the van without any problem.  Again, when we arrived at the vet’s office, she hopped down to the parking lot and made a ‘pit’ stop before going into the office.  We were early, and we sat in the lobby.  She laid down at my feet, and she received a lot of complements from the staff and passerby’s.  They loved the St. Louis Cardinal’s t-shirt she had on.  Finally, the vet arrived and we went into the examination room and he looked her over, poked, and examined her incision.  He said everything looked great and I was very happy with her recovery.  I guess he does about three amputations a month at the clinic.  He then proceeded with a regular examine and took fecal samples, gave her mouth, ears, and eyes a good looking over.  Then he gave her a heart worm shot.  He took a blood sample for something????  All the time Maggie was very calm and good natured.

We talked about chemotherapy, but I wasn’t convinced that it would help Maggie.  Even with all the expense (huge) and side effects, they cannot guarantee a successful elimination of the cancer.  So, I need to talk with Maggie’s pawents and study up on chemotherapy on dogs.  I want to give her a fighting chance and we will decide soon.

Another normalcy for Maggie, this morning when the alarm went off in my wife’s and my bedroom.  Maggie hopped down and came into the bedroom to be greeted and petted, just like she used to.  What a great site in the morning, have Maggie’s cold and wet nose in my face.  Well things are really getting back to normal, except she didn’t eat all her breakfast.  Maybe, it’s from the prodding and poking that was done yesterday at the vet’s

I forgot my camera going to the vet’s, so no pictures.  I guess that comes with age….

thanks to everyone that has read and commented on this blog.  It is nice to know that we are not alone and people are very nice.


Author: maggiethedog

I'm Maggie's caretaker, while her family is in England. She's a seasoned senior (11 years old) golden retriever. She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and had her left front leg amputated on 25 Feb 2014. She is in recovery mode right now, She's a wonderful and affectionate dog.

6 thoughts on “Maggie’s trip to the Vet”

  1. Sounds like Maggie is doing great!! As for chemo, definitely do your research- theres a ton of info out there, unfortunately though, there arent too many definitive answers. It’s definitely a personal decision and there is no right or wrong answer!
    If you have questions though about some of our experiences with chemo, you should definitely post in the forums – I know it helped when I made the decision to go through with it to hear of others experiences!!
    Keep up the great work Maggie!!!

  2. Hi, I have a great dane that is a new tri-paw. Do you live in St. Louis? We live in St. Louis and had Bailey’s amp. done at Veterinary Specialty Services for OS in right front wrist. Would love to talk and share info. Bailey did have her first round of chemo on 2/27. She did well, she still hasn’t had a big appetite since her amp. But we encourage her with a cooked hamburger in a skillet or chicken from the pan, not fried, not boiled… but kind of steamed in water… loves gateraide in water and pedilyte in water to help get fluids and presently drinks plenty without any additives. Hope all is well, interested in your story, you should join tripawds, it’s a wonderful site.

    1. Hello, we live in Maplewood and go the Bandfield Vet place in Brentwood. We are very pleased with their service for the past 20 years. It would be great to talk with you about the chemo you are doing. I’m retired and my schedule is pretty open.
      thanks, Marion

  3. Hi Maggie and Marion!

    Nothing better than seeing your dog’s mug as soon as you open your eyes in the morning! Top it off with a big slopy kiss…ahhhhh…Paradise!!

    Yes, we have tns of fo. on chemo here. …also Metronomics…an oral form of chemo.

    One thing so many fear is side effects. There are almost NO side effects with Carboplatin IV chemo. Some dogs experience a little lethargy and or nausea. You are given anti-nausea pills just in case.

    It is a per al decision, but do your research and checkout the site. Manyhave posted asking whether or not to do chemo.

    For now…put that n the back bur er and just focus on recovery and co tuing to brng Maggie’s sparkle back!!

    She is a very loved girl and lucky to have yo on this journey with her.

    Yep, we’re all family here. It’s nice to have you join us!! Great additin!

    Sendng hugs and a thousand more wake up kisses from Maggie!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. Hi Marion! So glad to hear that Maggie is getting back to normal! We too are struggling with the chemo route. I’m currently in graduate school and only work part time and my husband uses all of his money to pay our bills. We are uncertain if we can afford Chemo… and with the no guarantee it’s really hard. But it is a personal decision and whatever you choose is right for you and your family. I’ve struggled with this as a lot of the parents here have taken the chemo route. Do your research and talk with your family… You’ll know what is right for you! Keep us posted and enjoy Maggie pain free!

    Cody and Family

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