First post for Maggie

This picture was taken a couple of years ago.  She has not changed at all.
This picture was taken a couple of years ago. She has not changed at all.

Well, let’s get started.  Maggie was the runt of the litter, and my son and future daughter in law, picked her out from the litter….I guess there’s more love in a small body.  I was with them, and I didn’t know much about golden retrievers, but I’ve have been a dog owner for many years.  As I kidded them, that’s their first child…  I would see Maggie alot through the years, and she is a very loving dog, a trait that is common among retrievers.  As my son’s family grew, they would drop Maggie off at my home while they went off on vacations or deployments.  My wife and I ran with Maggie, and she retrieved until my arm hurt. When my son was being transferred to England for a couple of years, they asked us if we would take care of Maggie for those two years, until they got back (they now have three beautiful girls).  We picked her up two years ago, and from the first day, she became part of our family.  We ran, retrieved, and played with Maggie until last month, when we noticed that she was limping.  I thought that she had hurt her leg by jumping/retrieving.  So a couple of weeks later, she was limping a lot more and did not put any weight on her left front leg at all.  So we took her to the vet and they examined and x rayed her and  said that she had OS in her leg.  They recommend amputation.  So we studied and had a second opinion from a different vet.   We decided to go ahead with the amputation.  She went in on tuesday, 25 Feb.  and I picked her up late on tuesday night.  What a shock.  I will be posting tomorrow to tell the story about bringing her home.



Author: maggiethedog

I'm Maggie's caretaker, while her family is in England. She's a seasoned senior (11 years old) golden retriever. She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and had her left front leg amputated on 25 Feb 2014. She is in recovery mode right now, She's a wonderful and affectionate dog.

3 thoughts on “First post for Maggie”

  1. Marion & Maggie, welcome to Tripawds. We’re so sorry you are here but are glad so that we can help you any way pawsible. I’m glad to hear that Maggie made it through surgery, please let us know what we can do to make your journey easier OK?

    She’s a real sweetie, what an adorable pup!

  2. Glad to hear Maggie is back home! We’ve all been where you are now, so ask any question you can think of; we’ll have an answer! In the meantime, know that we’ll be thinking about Maggie and sending positive thoughts her way!

  3. What a beautiful girl Maggie is! I’m so sorry that Maggie was diagnosed with OS. You can see from her face that she is full of love. So many of us know what you are going through right now. You probably have yet to get a full nights rest but they will come and she will do amazingly well on three paws. All these kids on this website have amazed me and continue to just like our baby girl. Our girl Bella is a St. Bernard, also diagnosed with OS, wanted to and did run to the back door the very next day when we brought her home from surgery. Maggie will continue to gain strength and do most of the things she always did amazingly well. Bella now needs help getting on the bed and the car but she handles the rest of her getting around independently. Keep us posted.

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